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RELEASE: FSI Viewer JS Build 17.02.14
- added: Parameter urlLoadingAnimation, changes the loading animation (default: “/skins/resources/loading.svg”)
- added: Parameter menubuttonorder, changes the order of the menu buttons
- added: Parameter preventClickZoomWhileSpinning, prevents zooming in when clicking in an Autospin. When activated, a click only stops the animation
- added: Parameter MenuButtonToolTips, set to false disables the tool tips shown when hovering over a button
- added: Parameter autoHideNavIfTooSmall, navigation window is automatically hidden if it occupies more than 25% of width or height, set to false enables the window nevertheless
- added: Parameter externalbuttoncontainer, defines an external button container if using a custom skin/ custom buttons
- added: Method clickMenuButton(strCMD), sets the menu button to active/inactive
- added: Method printAPI(), shows all API methods in the console in alphabetical order
- added: Method oParametersCurrent = getParameters();, returns an object containing all parameters set via javascript or custom tag attributes
- added: Method strValue = getConfigValue(strName);, returns the value of the configuration parameter “strName”
- added: Method bResult = makeBoolean(value, bDefaultValue);, transforms a value into a boolean value, e.g. “1” to true, “false” to false
- added: Method trValue = getPluginParameter(strPluginName, strParameterName, defaultValue, bMakeBoolean);, Returns the parameter defined for the given plugin
- added: Method registerExternalMenuButton(elButton), Registers an external menu button
- added: Method unregisterExternalMenuButton(elButton), Unregisters an external menu button
- added: Method registerExternalMenuButtonsFromContainer(elContainer), Registers an external menu button from a specific container
- added: Method unregisterExternalMenuButtonsFromContainer(elContainer), Unregisters an external menu button from a specific container
- added: Method getSkinClassName(), Returns the name of the current used skin class, e.g. fsi-skin-black
- added: Callback onSkinChanged(strSkinClassCurrent, strSkinClassBefore), can be used to call an action as soon as the skin class is changed
- added: Callback elContainingExternalButtons = onRegisterExternalMenuButtons(), can be used to call an action as soon as external menu buttons are registered
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