- Security: Prevented log output of private keys on shutdown
- Security: Added workaround for infinite loop while parsing Double for JRE versions prior version 1.6.0_24
- Security: Changed H2 database server mode
- New: FSI Pages mobile version 1.0.5
- Minor: Updated Jersey to 1.5
- Minor: Updated Xalan to 2.7.1
- Minor: Updated Jettison to 1.2
- Minor: Updated ASM to 3.3.
- Minor: Updated Axis2 to 1.5.4 and Rampart to 1.5.1
- Minor: reduced start-up time
JS Interface:
- Minor: small improvements
- New: improved support for cached meta-data
- Major: fix problems with non-ascii characters in passwords
- New: prevention against browser cache mix with older interface versions
- Minor: faster user add
- Minor: fix some minor issues
- Normal: added support for non-ASCII characters in usernames, groups and import profiles.
- Minor: small performance optimizations
- New: Support for If-Modified-Since Header in meta-data requests
- Major: improved info and list templates for meta-data
- Major: Fixed caching problem with HEAD and GET requests
- Minor: Deployed importer.xml contains more default settings
- Minor: Added Support for more BMP formats
- Minor: Fixed logger shutdown on licence file change
- Major: Fixed blocking “Delete”-Dialog in Interface
- Major: Fixed reindexing database issue
- Normal: Fixed miscolored images with incomplete ICC profiles
- Minor: Fixed problems reading 16bit PNG images
- Minor: Fixed problems with corrupt EXIF data in TIFF images
- Minor: Fixed problems reading exotic CMYK JPEG images
- New: Support for OS/2 BMP
- Major: prevent diskspace swap overflow
- Normal: Fixed cache concurreny problem
- Security: Windows Bundle: JRE 1.6.0_24
- Security: Windows Bundle: Tomcat 6.0.32
- Minor: Windows Bundle: Change VM startup settings for better multi CPU support
- New: Update Installer
- New: 32/64 Bit included in one setup file
FSI Viewer:
- Minor: fsiwriter.js fixed problems with cross-domain access in pop-ups
- Minor: fsiwriter.js fixed for using in XHTML
- New: FSI Viewer 5.6.1
- New: FSI Pages mobile 1.0.5