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This command is solely for quickly testing your FSI Server docker image, which you can afterwards access via http://localhost:8080/fsi/interface/

`–rm` will remove the container after run. `-t` and `-i` will issue a pseudo-tty and keep STDIN open even if not attached. This allows you to use the container like a traditional VM as long as the bash prompt is running.
`-p 8080:8080` exposes the container to port 8080.

Please note that this is just for testing purposes and not persistent. For a persistent installation, please see below.

Create Persistent Data Directory on your host

Since FSI Server is usually used to manage a large amount of images, we recommend creating a persistent directory for storing the images on your host.

This also has the advantage that it is easier to change the container for an update while preserving the image storage.

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`mkdir` creates the directory, the `-p` flag is used to create parent directories if needed.

Create Persistent Data Structure in /opt/fsi-data

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`fsi-server` is the name assigned to the container, `-p 8080:8080` exposes it to port 8080, `-v` defines that there will be a volume mounted at /opt/fsi-data so you have persistent access to config files, storage/connectors etc. even if the container is removed. If the defined directory does not exist yet, it will be automatically created.

Run FSI Server benchmark

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Please keep in mind that for a full benchmark (including the Storage benchmark) a minimum storage of 50GB need to be available.

It is also possible to benchmark only certain parts of FSI Server, for example:

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List of available commands for benchmark:
`all`, `cache`, `image`, `encoder`, `swap`, `storage`, `io`

default: `all`

Use FSI Server in production mode


You can download the software and try it as long as you like. There are no feature limitations or performance restrictions in the unregistered version, besides watermarks being displayed. We also provide a free 60 day key for testing purposes without watermarks, you can see how the get one here.

After the trial period expired you can add a full licence key.

Our solution is flexible and can be tailored to your needs and business – whether you are a small, medium or large enterprise, if you have a small or a big amount of page impressions monthly – our editions cover all of those cases. You can choose to install the softwareOn-Premises or use SaaS with dedicated servers or shared hosting services provided by us – we offer a tailored setup matching your requirements. You can learn more about the available options here.

Assign RAM to FSI Server while creating the container

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`-e “XMX=4g”` assigns 4GB RAM to FSI Server.

Configuring FSI Server, creating connectors, etc.

For in-depth information on how to configure FSI Server, please visit the FSI Server online manual.

Connect to FSI Server from an application in another docker container (e.g. Solr)

Please note that the following steps need to be done BEFORE the FSI Server container is created.

Pull Solr

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We recommend using the alpine version of Solr since this version uses less space than the normal version.

Create Solr core

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Start a Solr Server Container with FSI Server Core

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Create FSI Server container, link it with Solr and start it

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Available fsi commands

`create_persistent`, `create_solr_core`, `benchmark`

 Docker Compose

With docker compose, you can preserve the volumes you have defined as well as the settings you defined when containers are created.
Docker compose also allows you to run multiple containers at one, e.g. FSI Server together with Solr.

With a single command line you can create and start all your services at once. This offers a more convenient usage of Docker.

In order to use Docker Compose, you need to

  • install Docker Compose
  • create a docker-compose.yml file which includes all necessary information

You can read more about this on

Install Docker Compose

In order to get started, you need to install Docker Compose first.
You can read more about this here:

Define the services in a compose file

In your project directory, create a docker-compose file that contains all the settings you need to start the FSI Server image.

In this case, we want to embed the following commands in the docker-compose file:

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A docker-compose.yml could look like this:

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Start Docker Compose

To start and run your entire app, use

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End Docker Compose

To end your app, use

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